O God of infinite mercy, who hast compassion on all men, hear the prayers of thy servants, who are unworthy to ask any petition for themselves, yet are in duty bound to pray for others.
Let thy mercy descend upon thy Church; preserve her in peace and truth, in unity and service; that her sacrifice of prayer and thanksgiving may ever ascend to thy throne.
In mercy remember the Queen; keep her perpetually in thy fear and favour; and grant that all who bear office under her may serve with a single eye to thy glory.
Remember our friends, all that have done us good; return all their kindness double unto their own bosom. Forgive our enemies; and help us to forgive, as we hope to be forgiven.
Comfort the afflicted; speak peace to troubled consciences; strengthen the weak; confirm the strong; instruct the ignorant; deliver the oppressed; relieve the needy; and bring us all by the waters of comfort and in the ways of righteousness to thy eternal kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord.